Tuesday, 29 August 2017

Need to let out your emotions.

Need to let out your emotions.

We all have emotional days. Some are good, some are bad. What we need to understand is that emotion like every other thing is temporary.  We need to let it out and everyone has different ways of letting it out. It is important that we don’t bottle up our feelings and keep to ourselves. We need to let it out and there are different ways of doing it so.

When I have an emotional day I do three things about it.  FPW! Feel, Process, Work. I try to understand my emotion and feel it! One can only truly understand their emotion when they truly feel it and for that split second our heart controls our body and it is not a bad thing! We need to think from our hear sometimes and not always with our brain. We are human beings and if that makes us naïve then so be it! The second step is to process that emotion in your body. To heal from a bad emotion this is very helpful. You have to process the emotion not from your heart but from your brain and soul this time. Understand why is it happening what triggered the emotion and let your body take it all in. The third and the final step is to work on it. One of my very close teachers said that ‘if it was a bad emotion, let the cause of the emotion go, work on yourself and make it temporary. If it was good one, work on it and make the emotion last’. So Feel, Process and Work!

A lot of people don’t want to show their emotions they think it will make them weak, naïve, others would use them and to some extent that is true. You can’t always show your emotions to everyone as they might use you however you can’t always not show your emotions. People will find you fake and manipulative if you don’t show any feelings. Don’t be scared to let your outer shell crack a little and to expose some of your feelings its good for your body and soul.

There are various ways to let out your emotions you can write, sing, play an instrument talk to someone like a friend or a counselor if not your parents. Let your emotions out and its fine if you cry, its normal and I appreciate people who let their emotions out and their shields down.  We always don’t have to act to be strong. Do small things which make you happy and make you look forward to waking up in the morning! One thing which helps me is that I put inspirational, happy quotes up on my study wall. I call it my happy board. So whenever I look at it I always smile and I can always cope up with my emotions better after reading those quotes. It not only makes me feel better but also makes me more positive whenever I look at it. (I have inserted a picture below of my happy board) Once you have let out your emotions you reflect upon yourself and ask yourself that could have dealt with that thing in a better way or not.

My last piece of advice would be that our emotions need to be as educated as our intellect. It is important to know how to feel, how to respond and how to let life in so that it can touch you. Never apologize for being emotional and sensitive it is a sign that you have a big heart and you aren’t afraid of others seeing it. Your emotion is your strength!

Picture of my happy board/wall: -

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